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Throughout my practice I address various relevant social issues (all of which I have firsthand experience with) through what many deem "craft" based mediums. This is a term that many reject, in fear that their works may be perceived as "lesser" forms of art. I, instead, reclaim and welcome the term, recognizing that within this technologically-driven age, it is crucial now more than ever to retain the presence of handmade works.

It is within the handmade that one is able to recognize the artist's hand, and furthermore establish a greater understanding of their being. Here, a relationship may be forged between viewer and creator. Thus, the handmade is a prime channel through which to instigate a discussion surrounding personal experiences of injustice which connect to more broad contemporary social and political concerns. 

While advancements have undoubtedly been made regarding the treatment of women, it is critical to recognize that gender inequality (along with other forms of discrimination) has not simply disappeared. It remains embedded within the everyday. Many of my works aim to encourage viewers to acknowledge the ways in which they themselves have been oppressed, and, moreover, question the normalization of this oppression. 

This questioning air then extends to my more recent work which focuses on what persists to be the severely taboo subject of mental illness. Being personally affect by several disorders, I find myself challenging the lack of acknowledgement of what I call "invisible illnesses" on a daily basis. If a condition can not be observed physically, it regarded as nothing more than an attitude problem or a personality flaw.

The fact is that mental disorders have the power to take lives. They are not simply inconveniences. I feel that it is valuable to recognize that mental illness is an individual, yet shared experience that must be discussed openly for healing to begin. It is my hope that by publicizing both my own experiences as well as the accounts of others that I might encourage those who are suffering to come forward while enlightening those who are unaware of the realities of mental illness. 

Regardless of the specific medium or content, my work as a whole serves as a site for personal reflection as well as an instigator for discourse. 

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